the blue of the water glistens on my hand — it glows


⬤ Curve Related
⬤ Spacing Related
⬤ Space Management
⬤ Mistake


✓ Good
— Okay
⨯ Poor

! Notable
— Deducted

theorized by nihil


200a sleet of wings ran down my back
and a corsage of red broke down my nape
when i realized who i was.
i am the blank, my forever empty.i am the space between
the blood and the asphalt
the being, the center of the shattered intersectionin wonder, an angel, a watcher, in halos.i am the ever echo in the blinding stasis of death
and the whispers of comfort in the minds of tears.
fingers interlocked, halo ever glowing,i choked its ring around your neck,
i bring you into my domain.
and so, in everything i say,i am the blank, my forever empty.and everything else,
forever be damned.


what if, of what? — 2022.4.18

for things that can be only expressed over 280 characters.

what if, of what?

2022, April 18th—self

when i was a child, i was a perfectionist. in 6th grade toiling and stressing way too much over essays, in 8th grade powering through the worst of thoughts to finish one assignment, straight A's often lined my report cards. but of course, you know where this is going. people say that i'm something else, a glimmer of hope in this box of boredom, gifted and smart and special... you know the drill.sometimes i like to think that. that i'm unique. that i'm special, i'm someone else, and not like the others. maybe you are too, and in that case i feel you. i get you.but when you're faced with reality, that isn't the thousands of people, you and i were just anonymous people that were passersby, strangers on a bus, the sidewalk, students you'll never meet that rush by you that liminal space between classes. you may feel like the main character among supporting cast, but so does everyone else.even than, that feeling isn't special. that simile isn't unique's sonder.if that's the case, then what if, of what?but maybe that just means.. we're not so different, you and i. both of us think that we're the main character... maybe then there's a connection.maybe in that way, we are human.frank ocean was right. we all want to be "seen, touched, heard, paid attention to." we all want someone to be there for us, and surprisingly, we all want to be there for someone else too. that's what sympathy and empathy are.look at the person next to you, on the street, at a bus, in a hallway. they have a story to tell you. their life is full of happiness, sadness, loves, deaths, feelings and emotions and works that immerse them in a complex plot and story... the fact that there are almost 8 billion of us is almost mind-bending.i once had a conversation with a person who was a friend of my friend. we were almost strangers, but he acted as if i wasn't.for some reason, he told me everything.he told me stories of his darkest thoughts, his darkest dreams and most needed of desires, secrets that only an insane man would tell another soul... it leaves an impression on you.he told me of a summer night when a friend shook him violently, grabbed him by the shoulders seething onto his shirt, yelling and crying not to jump.he told him everything too,
he was suicidal.
maybe everyone has an 'everything' to tell.--i know i've addressed you, the reader, many a time. but this was something swelling up from myself. this is something that i've been dying to write down... whether or not the reader has made this far is a worry for another a few years time, i know i won't be able to read this. i know i won't, i'd probably be changed by then. maybe i'd delete it by impulse, maybe i'd laugh at my naivete... but that doesn't matter. that is a worry for another time.maybe i'm just straight up stupid. i'm young, naive, and is a kid finding things obvious for the first time. i'd be hard-pressed to find you still listening or reading, but again, that doesn't matter, in this moment, in this time.that is a worry for another time.these are my thoughts. this is what i've been thinking about, thank you for being there to listen to my 'everything'.so let me ask you... what's yours?-blixys, sweet dreams, as always.

icon no. 144

testing, testing... is this thing on?

2021, April 27th—nullam risus felis, hendrerit sed venenatis ultrices.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. maecenas pharetra pretium est, eu vehicula turpis aliquam convallis. etiam id dolor tristique, elementum mi eget, pulvinar nunc. cras quis feugiat libero. nam quis condimentum metus, non tincidunt leo. nunc at elit sapien. cras blandit velit id lacus faucibus ullamcorper sit amet viverra lacus. duis metus lacus, egestas id commodo ut, volutpat ut libero. sed pharetra purus laoreet sem lobortis, sit amet sollicitudin nibh elementum. donec vestibulum magna pretium neque pulvinar tincidunt.sed eget metus et massa facilisis dictum ut non erat. fusce imperdiet ipsum ipsum, id imperdiet nibh venenatis ut. duis sed auctor neque. morbi sit amet turpis placerat, bibendum risus a, congue mauris. sed congue purus mollis lorem dictum, nec ultricies tellus pharetra. nunc pellentesque auctor velit. nunc bibendum magna at urna pharetra venenatis. suspendisse tempus lorem ut nisl pretium, a varius leo faucibus. interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. phasellus finibus pretium mattis.cras auctor dolor leo, quis lacinia mi venenatis in. duis quis enim mauris. donec consectetur arcu sed porta placerat. integer feugiat maximus lectus, ac accumsan sapien mollis aliquet. morbi vehicula semper magna, nec tincidunt nisi hendrerit vel. sed iaculis, metus tempus eleifend volutpat, diam arcu sodales diam, sit amet pellentesque nulla ante sit amet diam. proin porta ornare euismod. donec tincidunt semper orci, vitae feugiat tortor consectetur et. vestibulum dui purus, hendrerit a pulvinar et, posuere sed mauris. vivamus odio tortor, ullamcorper sed elit id, hendrerit feugiat risus. suspendisse mattis aliquam sagittis. sed nec nunc sapien. sed scelerisque vel est sit amet consequat. suspendisse et libero dapibus, consectetur lectus sed, accumsan orci. nulla eget tincidunt turpis. donec sagittis sapien orci, ut interdum nibh euismod id.pellentesque quis nisi molestie, rutrum nulla egestas, tristique odio. ut bibendum ante et dolor dapibus vehicula. cras suscipit sodales imperdiet. mauris velit tellus, mollis nec ultrices sit amet, imperdiet vel leo. aliquam lacinia sem vitae lectus fermentum, nec facilisis ex malesuada. suspendisse pulvinar tellus luctus felis lobortis, non suscipit augue mollis. quisque vel sem neque. ut diam nibh, tincidunt a placerat a, sodales nec leo. pellentesque posuere vel felis sodales maximus. fusce bibendum nisl vitae nulla gravida pulvinar. nullam elit turpis, efficitur at sem ac, aliquam tristique est.morbi sagittis, turpis eget volutpat lobortis, nisi libero semper dui, id ullamcorper magna risus in lectus. pellentesque dapibus justo ac quam dignissim, eget porta tortor aliquet. sed et consequat elit, id maximus odio. pellentesque fringilla mi pharetra velit ultricies, nec rhoncus mauris tempor. interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. sed at condimentum risus. mauris vitae consectetur arcu. fusce pellentesque venenatis nisl, ut pretium libero hendrerit eu. pellentesque nec urna venenatis, finibus neque sed, imperdiet mauris. fusce non suscipit ante, id imperdiet tortor. vestibulum aliquam mi nec magna sagittis, non pulvinar nibh gravida. nunc vel feugiat turpis, in lacinia lectus. vivamus enim metus, dapibus ut velit id, mollis posuere dui. duis eget est at ex maximus bibendum.

Frums - theyaremanycolors
mayoi namekuji - see you later
長沼 英樹 - Let Mom Sleep
あきやま うに - 踊る水飛沫
池田 亮司 - datamatics prototype-ver.2.0
wa. - Black Lotus
j^p^n - bloom. []
Tyler, The Creator - A BOY IS A GUN*

List of osu!beatmaps post Dec. 2021. Certain entries omitted

are you sure? no | yes


my thoughts spill onto the streets like a glass from bench to concrete ⸊⸚⸓⸒⸔⸀⸵⸂⸋⸖⸜⸟⸸⸩